Whether your elf is a good elf, a naughty elf, or somewhere in between coming up with ideas can be hard and sometimes really draining! Honestly sometimes we forget as well. Caden named our elf Kris Kross Applesauce, we got him when he was 4. Last year as I was asking for help and a good friend told me she comes up with a calendar and writes ideas down so the days she is busy she can do something easy. This was genius! I often think of things to do but then forget when I need an idea. Elf on the Shelf happened to email me Tuesday with some ideas. Since sometimes our elf brings gifts planning early helps with the task. Our elf comes once the house is decorated between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I usually have something fun for his arrival. In the past I have done candies for his advent calendar, elf pajamas, I’ve done streamers all over, had cookies made saying I’m back. Do what works for you.
Here is a link for a planning Calendar for you if you’d like
Some things I have bought in the past: The Letters to Santa kit comes with magic paper the kids write their list on and it gets baked and shrinks so your elf can take it to Santa. He brings it back later so it can be an ornament. I have each year since we got it and it is so cute to look at how he drew them or wrote the words. I love the letters and would definitely recommend getting it! The Elves at Play kit- it comes with some fun tools to help do fun things with your elf. There is a swing and some boots to help him repel. There’s a suction cup with a strap so you can stick him on a window or mirror. Our elf brought a set of baker’s aprons and hats for Caden and himself one year with an elf cookie cutter. Every year when we do our Christmas baking, they both dress up which is really cute.
Our elf is a good elf, sometimes he makes us laugh but I don’t make messes I don’t want to sit all day or have to clean up later. I also don’t do bad things since he’s supposed to be reporting to Santa. He’s not always perfect. When we went to New Orleans he got into some adult drinks. He’s also been caught with some drinks after a party. We are all just trying to come up with ideas that will be fun or funny for the family.
Before COVID our elf would generally do something to prepare Caden for an event if we had one planned. For example, if we were going to ride the train he would be riding on the train in the morning. If we were going to be baking, he would be wearing his apron and hat. If we were going somewhere fun, he would be in the coffee jar to come along… I love December and we do as much as we can! I add what we are doing to our calendar and then add in things for the elf around it. I still plan on doing the fun things but it will now be at home. I just need to be creative.
Here are some other ideas I’ve collected from many different sites and some I have used or made myself:
- Elf Zoom conference, I made a picture you can open on your computer
- Elf stuck in Candy Cane Jail
- Elf decorates his own small tree
- Elf sets up a Scavenger hunt
- Elf plays with other toys and gets captured
- Elf colors kid’s nose with washable marker- I also wrote on the mirror and did his nose too
- Elf builds a camping scene- use a tea light and a toothpick with a small marshmallow
- Elf movie night- Put some popcorn and candy around him to share with kids
- Elf designs a snowy scene with marshmallow snowmen- I use sugar as snow
- Elf changes milk colors with food coloring- I put Caden’s milk in a glass jar so it was not the whole jug. Elf hid in the fridge by the colored milk.
- Elf takes a nap in a tissue hammock
- Elf tic tac toe with bows
- Elf leaves skittles on plate to add water and create a rainbow
- Elf wraps up each item for lunch
- Elf gets stuck in TV with help from YouTube
- Elf draws on fruit
- Elf adds red noses to pictures dry erase marker or red balls
- Elf makes snowflakes and decorates
- Elf tic tac toe with red and green m&ms
- Elf asks to do a donation or something nice for a neighbor
- Elf replaces stockings with kid’s underwear
- Elf swings with help from play kit
- Elf hides in hanging pots and pans
- Elf leaves items for Hot Cocoa Party
- Elf suggests Game night
- Elf suggests Letters to Santa
- Bubble bath in small Marshmallow bowl
- North Pole Breakfast while you watch Elf
- Elf traps kids in the room with streamers
- Elf leaves items for a snowball fight- amazon snowballs
- Elf makes snow angels on counter with sugar, sprinkles, or confetti
- Toys tape elf to wall
- Elf goes fishing in a bowl of goldfish
- Elf draws mustaches on pictures with dry erase marker
- Elf hides in Christmas tree
- Elf hangs out with Santa, any Santa around the house
- Elf brings a Christmas book
- Elf leaves Christmas morning pajamas
- Elf leaves truth or dare game with notes in balloons pop to reveal your option
- Elf poops- all kids think it’s funny- I took a clear hair product lid and put a Hershey kiss in it
- Elf brings gingerbread house kit
- Elf makes paper ring countdown
- Elf with straw in a kcup
- Elf making thumbprint cookies by sitting on them
- Elf brings decorations for car- Rudolph kit
- Elf works out
- Elf rock climbs with bows
- Elf goes on a date
- Elf makes a nice chart with clothes pins for each child to mark if they have been good or not
- Elf leaves peppermints to plant the next day there are candy canes
- Use Star Wars toys to use the force on the Elf
- Night before Santa comes elf leaves a baggie with oats with glitter to sprinkle on sidewalk for reindeer to stop
- Spiderman wraps up elf with floss
- Elf brings doughnuts extra Christmas-y if you want
- Elf leaves a note on toilet paper roll
- Elf makes a candy cane sled
- Elf sets Alexa routine to play Holiday Favorites every school morning as an alarm
- Elf draws on eggs
- Elf wraps a tree to look like frosty
- Candy cane zip line
- Pin the nose on Rudolph game Red dot stickers, Reindeer printable
- Elf Car wash with hot wheels and sponge
- Elf visits the manger to remember what Christmas is about
- Elf brings gingerbread men to decorate
- Elf goes to spa
- Elf makes popcorn garland
- Elf makes snowflakes using q-tips
- Elf Taco Tuesday
- Elf in Pringle jar
- Trees for sale
Hope you enjoy and if you have any fun ideas to share please leave a comment!
I’m going to Disneyland! Have my Mickey ears on. Use an empty Folgers coffee container to put your elf in. there was blue milk KK decorated our car with a nose and antlers Elf Zoom Call