Easter is always a time our family gets together for crawfish and cascarones (confetti-filled eggs). This is my Louisiana and Texas roots combined. Grandma makes the traditional Easter Ham on Sunday. Everyone in our family has their own dish they are responsible for. I am always in charge of the deviled eggs. They are almost always plain but in the past, I have done some marbled where you crack the egg by rolling it but don’t peel it. Then roll it in a bag with food coloring and a little bit of water. I have also done colored eggs where once you peel them and cut them in half you remove the yoke and leave the egg whites in food coloring and water and let them sit for some time. I do have to say it is a little strange eating colored eggs but it was pretty. Here are some fun Easter Food Ideas:
I always love the holidays and look for a way to make it a little more special. Whether it’s participating in activities around the city or doing crafts. Here are some different ways to have fun with Easter. Round Rock Parks and Rec puts on a flight light Easter Egg Hunt we participate in when we can. They fill a gated area with eggs and allow the kids to line the fence then they let them run and collect until they are all gone. there are different times for different age groups. As the kids get older they search in the darker time period. Our family has also done a glow-in-the-dark Easter Egg Hunt. My sister filled eggs with candy and small glow sticks. The boys had a blast searching. I’ve never tried shaving cream or whipped cream but it looks easy you just add food coloring to the cream and mix it slightly with a toothpick roll the eggs and then clean them off. For those of you who don’t know what cascarones are they are confetti-filled eggs that are fun to hunt then you get to crack them on other people’s heads. Warning sometimes the eggs are hard- it’s nicer if you crack them a little in your hand then smash them on someone’s head without giving them a concussion. Another hint if it’s hot don’t let the shells sit on your hair or down your shirt for too long- mixed with a little sweat you will have a colorful masterpiece.
I will admit I try so hard to be prepared ahead of time but I am a last minute shopper. I placed my Target pick up order today and will have to stash everything away till we are at Grandma’s Saturday night to set it all up. I always have a hard time coming up with ideas for baskets so I thought I’d include some fun ones here.
Hope you all have a safe and blessed Easter! If you have any fun traditions your family does that you’d like to share please do in the comments below. Hope this helps some of you planning last minute like me!